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Paperless Office in Los Angeles

Services for Going Paperless in Los Angeles

Digital documents are easier to manage and provide increased security for your business. Digitizing gives you the ability to lock down version control, access, and more. Optimize work flow and increase productivity in your office–let our services at Los Angeles Document Scanning be your partner in the transition to going paperless!

Going paperless in your office has never been easier with our document scanning services

Going Paperless is the Future

Transitioning to digital can be complicated, but we are the experts in going paperless! Here are some of the different items you can add on to a conversion project to further organize your workflow.

Although most or all of these items aren’t required, each one offers functionality that can help you manage your documents better, including:

  • Ongoing scanning for documents generated after initial conversion
  • Upgrades to existing computers in your network
  • Off-site document storage for inactive files

Benefits of Digitizing

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You can setup indexing to make finding documents faster. Find what you need with a quick keyword search and distribute documents with one click! 

Going paperless in your office has never been easier with our document scanning services

We can convert text via optical character recognition (OCR) software to allow you to edit the documents or redact private information to protect your customers.

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Digital documents save time and resources! Long-term hard copy filing and storage wastes employee man-hours. Every minute it takes to retrieve, copy and re-file a document adds hours of lost productivity.

The Truth About Paper

Don’t let a corporate spy or identity thief get a hold of your confidential information. A digital document management system can encrypt digital documents, and you can even select who has access to which document, eliminating the need to protect your files with locked doors and filing cabinets.

Going paperless in your office has never been easier with our document scanning services

Tips to Get Started

It’s important to have a good idea of how many documents you want to convert. The more documents you have, the more your project will cost.

Do you have a current digital system in place? Let us know so we can make sure your new system works seamlessly with the old.

Going paperless eliminates the frustrating process of paper documents and gives you the ability to find files quickly and easily. Ready to get started? Fill out the form or give us a call today (310) 598-7350.

Ready to Make the Change to a Paperless Office? Los Angeles Document Scanning Can Help!

To learn more about any of the available services offered here at LA Document Scanning, give us a call at (310) 598-7350 or fill out the form to request a FREE document scanning or storage quote. today!

Los Angeles Scanning and Imaging
8605 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Phone: (310) 598-7350